Thursday, September 24, 2015

Great American Fundraiser Kick-off Assemblies

Each grade level had assemblies today to introduce the Great American fundraiser to the students. 
The following is a note from our PTA President about the importance of the fundraiser  with some  additional details for parents:

  The Great American Fundraiser is PTA's biggest one of the year, and it is instrumental to PTA's support of a variety of programs here at Fremont.
     Today., 9/24/15,  the fundraising packets should have gone home with the students.  There are two catalogs - one with gifts, jewelry and magazines and the other with cookie dough. 
     The fundraiser - money and orders - are due in two weeks on October 8th.  Order forms were included in the packets, and we accept cash or checks made payable to "Fremont PTA."
     The fundraiser will be delivered to the school in a few weeks following the collection date.  We will have a specific date, once we turn in all of the orders.
     Parents can also order online - we have a link on the Fremont page under Parent Links.  Online the selection is even bigger, and you can pay by credit card and have it delivered to your home.
     Students win some cool prizes for participating!  So, we are hoping for widespread participation from our Fremont students!  This is a great way to support your school and win some neat prizes at the same time!
Eileen Whalen, PTA President

Support Our Student SUPER HEROES!! 

Super Hero Mr. Koch
Super Hero Ms. Vettese

 Super Hero Isaac Mendoza

Jeanne Kelsey- Presenter
P.T.A. President Eileen Whale


Ms. McGloughlin's Tech 8 classes created Skimmers as part of the Project Lead The Way  (PLTW ) curriculum. They designed their skimmers, measured and built them before putting them to the test by racing them in the cafeteria. Some went almost the entire length of the cafeteria!! The longest distance traveled was over 20 meters!! 
Nicely engineered skimmers
Lauren S. Ready to go! 
Erin E. & Trinity D. Recording the resulting data
 Creative art design!

Edgar L. &  David P.        LAUNCH!
Gabriel S. & Lauren S. Setting up the launch
Trinity D.  Measuring distance traveled
   Recorded data                                Nayeli C.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Our New California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) Officers


The California Junior Scholarship  Federation fosters high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship in the middle school grades. CJSF emphasizes service to the school and the community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement. The CJSF members at Fremont are responsible for maintaining a very good grade point average while doing volunteer service for the surrounding community and our school. Then members need to have at least 10 hours of community service each trimester equaling 30 per year.

Lance P. - President
Sophia P. - Vice President
Gloria P. - Secretary
Destiny M. - Treasurer

Advisers - Ms. Jacobs and Ms. Pompey
Please contact any CJSF officer if you are of need of service.  

My photo
Oxnard, California, United States