Friday, March 11, 2016

Snowy Plover visits Ms McIntyre's classes

Ms. MacIntyre's class had the privilege of having Ms. Betsy Bachman from the Audubon Society of Ventura county come and speak about the Snowy Plover. it is a small. rare, threatened shore bird that lives on our local beaches. She spoke about it's habitat, how the father bird does all the work of taking care of the babies, and how to protect the bird from predators and humans.  She also informed  the students about how the Audubon Society is a non-profit organization that helps with  the conservation of birds, other wildlife and healthy ecosystems. One of the events they are involved in is the Christmas Count where they count how many birds there are in any area.   

Speaker Betsy Bachman from the Audubon Society of Ventura County
Presentation in  Ms. McIntyre's  6th grade class 

Ms. MacIntyre & Ms. Bachman
The Western Snowy Plover - 3 inches high and lives in our locally in our Ventura Beaches. Ventura Beaches.

Biologist monitoring the Snowy Plover at Oxnard beaches

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Oxnard, California, United States