Thursday, February 16, 2017


Mr. Brown's Science classes recently used a new Visual Thinking strategy called Chalk Talk in their class. Is it fun and the best part is NO TALKING just a lot of THINKING going on! 

Students are given a topic or a question on a large piece of paper and they write their thoughts down. They then move to the next paper with a different question or topic and  respond to it or they can respond to what the other students wrote down. It continues until all groups have had a chance to comment on all the other groups papers. Some really interesting comments are the result. 

ASB Elections February 2017

Here are the results and some wonderful posters from  the recent  Fremont ASB Elections:


Disney Day 1/27/17

ASB sponsored Disney Day  on Friday,  January 27. Lots of Disney lovers out there! Some students even had the opportunity to take a photo with Chewbaca from Star Wars.  Enjoy!


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Oxnard, California, United States